One of my favorite books is Scott Peck’s, The Road Less Traveled. For those unfamiliar with the book, it offers shortcuts to different destinations around the globe. Who doesn’t love a good shortcut, right?
Sometimes the shortest distance between two points is NOT a straight line, due to road blocks, construction and traffic. The movie “Straight Out of Compton” poignantly demonstrated how to avoid such traffic obstructions as well, though from a specific urban area.
With that said, I shall now be straight with you………
My company, Hygienitech Solutions removes mold, bacteria, viruses, germs, and odors. I find myself in daily debates with Realtors regarding shortcuts to remove foul odors, i.e. tobacco, pets, and food.
Realtors and investors like to travel the path of least (financial) resistance, therefore I find myself repeating a popular quote from famed (deceased) firefighter Red Adair; “If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional to do a job, wait until you hire an amateur.”
Ozone machines, coal, Kilz paint are a few of the remedies that have been popularly used over the years. (Please read my first blog;
A Rose is a Rose…).
Those shortcuts are temporary fixes, however if the source of the odor is not removed, the odor will have a sequel. The movie, “Gone in Sixty Seconds” had a sequel due to not removing the main issue not
resolved. Realtors think short cuts will work “Fast & Furious,” however aren’t there eight of those movies?
As a company vested in providing our clients a return on their investment (ROI), no shortcuts are taken.
A home containing an odor listed for sale, might experience a 20-30% devaluation in order to sell.
Pet odor, especially from cats, will never dissipate on its own.
Resin from tobacco odor will appear and disappear regarding the temperature. All odors appear during warm/hot weather.
Plugin deodorizers, candles, aerosol sprays, could Realtors be less lazy?
I’ve said this many times; “Everything is about sight and smell.”
Will a breath mint solve halitosis?
When running a marathon, are you giving it your “all” or your “some?”
Are you a diamond or chunk of coal?
The classic movie “Do The Right Thing” was about a Realtor who never cut corners and did what was best for his buyers and sellers. He took the road less traveled!!
Ed Kampf